Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hurly Burly...

I admit. I'm way behind. I didn't check the blog of all blogs last weekend and by the time I got back to the blog it was already up to hurly burly 3...

I don't feel like I can read part 7 if I haven't read 1,2,3, etc. so I guess I'll wait until I have the proper amount of time to read the hurly burly series in its entirety.

Hopefully tomorrow isn't hurly burly 8 because I would sure like to read a blog!!!!!


eek said...

Hahaha -- no such luck! It's the Time Being Hurly Burly serial. :-)

Good to see an entry from you. :-)

snowfaller said...

Yeah - he got me with 8 today...

I'm copying them all into a separate file to read more like a short story at some time. Maybe this weekend!

Anonymous said...

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